“What was your situation before coming to hope?”

We ask every patient to take an intake survey, where the above question is asked. These are some of their answers.

  • “I have worked since I was 16. I have an immune deficiency. This time last year I had breast cancer with radiation treatments and had to work part-time due to being sick and lost my health insurance.”

  • Diagnosed as Type 1 and age 29; now 35. Previously had insurance from my ex-wife but am now divorced and on my own.”

  • “I came from Africa as an Immigrant to the USA with my wife, and I am glad to find people who give care to people like me.”

  • “I moved here 4 months ago from the West Coast to start over. Since I’ve been here, I have tried to look for steady work but, meanwhile, my health took a turn for the worse.”

  • “My blood pressure keeps going up and I have no medication.”

  • “We have tried to apply to many different medical facilities but because I have no insurance, they always denied me. But thank God my daughter found out about this clinic.”

  • “First time here but my mom has been coming and loves the people here and the clinic. We always thank God for helping us find the clinic.”

  • “I had a stroke in November, affecting my arms and legs.”

  • “Left an abusive marriage, and he removed me from his health insurance before our divorce is final. I have no way of getting insurance until it is finalized.”

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